Outstanding Beginning Teachers Award (OBTA)
In recognition of the outstanding contribution by an individual committee member, with 5 or less years teaching experience to education in NSW made through a professional teachers’ association.
Nomination Form
Outstanding Professional Service Award (OPSA)
In recognition of the voluntary work undertaken by committee members of professional teachers’ associations. The award recognises individual member’s outstanding professional contribution to education in NSW for an extended period of time made through a professional teachers’ association.
Association Service Award (ASA)
In recognition of the outstanding contribution made by a salaried employee to a PTC NSW Member Association or to PTC NSW over a significant period of time.
Media Award
The Media Award is presented to individuals working in the media industry for their positive portrayal of the work of teachers and schools in NSW during the period 13th October 2023 to 6th October 2024. This award focuses on the value of teaching and learning. We welcome nominations from all media sources including regional and remote outlets.
NSW Minister for Education ‘Association of the Year Award’*
Presented to an association that has distinguished itself by achieving all round excellence. *For Associations of the Year Award, a selection committee will review all submissions and will base their selection on the information provided.