The Institute for Educational Leadership in Australia (IELA) is an initiative of the Professional Teachers’ Council of New South Wales. IELA is now the ‘banner’ under which annual awards for excellence in teaching, professional leadership and professional service are made.
The naming of IELA was predicated by a belief that the most important events in school education occur in the classroom under the guidance and management of a highly trained and qualified education professional: the classroom teacher.
The IELA logo is significant. Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, was the daughter of Heaven and Earth was symbolised by a fountain. She and Zeus had nine daughters the Muses, goddesses of artistic inspiration, of Literature, History, Dance, Music and Sciences.
The Educational Research Journal (ERJ) offers the opportunity for classroom teachers to showcase the day-to-day practices and innovations that enrich the learning of students in Australian schools – find out more about the ERJ here