This is the second part of a two-part workshop series.

Following the two sessions, participants will understand how Interactive Writing can be used as a teaching strategy which utilises the co-construction of a text across a week (10-15 mins per day) based upon a shared class experience (eg: event, excursion, book, shred artefact, visitor).

In particular, teachers will be able to:

  • identify effective learning experiences to use for Interactive Writing lessons;
  • support discussion and the composition process for the daily sentence;
  • develop a co-constructed text across a week;
  • share the ownership and responsibility for text creation with the class;
  • share the pen with the students, doing for them what they cannot yet do and scaffolding students to contribute where appropriate;
  • teach at the point of need (secretarial and authorial skills);
  • assist students to re-read and build upon previous sentences or following some teaching;
  • use the texts created as opportunities to promote reading skills, including reading with fluency (speed and prosody; and
  • use the Interactive Writing Framework to reflect on what has been taught on any one day and connect these to the progressions/syllabus across the week. The process is one of Backward mapping.
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