Monday 6 to Thursday 9 July, 9.00am – 4.30pm each day

The conference theme, If…  will focus on the potentials of English. There will be an international strand throughout the three days of the conference, 7th – 9th July, and masterclasses will be available on 6th. The masterclasses are in addition to the main conference and will be administered separately. Papers, presentations and workshops are invited on all topics relevant to the teaching of English and Literacy.

‘If’ explores and celebrates the potentials of our discipline to define how English is key to a sense of self, social agency and cultural vitality. Going beyond public perceptions of our subject to seek and promote a multifaceted identity, we consider:
If only…the big ideas, theories, research as we Invent Futures
If so, why so… approaches strategies, pedagogies – Ideas in Flight
If and when… Implementing Frameworks for curriculum, assessment and practice.

Putting aside all ‘ifs and buts’, and keeping our heads when all about are losing theirs, ifs become realities and English takes its recognised place as the cultivator of social good and cultural richness

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