RELAxED Teacher Study

PTC Collaboration with Syd Uni & Teachers Health Foundation

  • RELAxEd Teacher Study

    Be part of a new research study into the health and well-being of NSW teachers – help to shape future programs for teachers!

    We know that the health and wellbeing of NSW teachers is important. However, more research is needed on the health needs of teachers so effective programs targeting teacher well-being can be created.

    The RELAxEd Teacher Study is a new study into the health, well-being and burnout among teachers conducted by The University of Sydney, University of Wollongong and Australian Catholic University. Results of the RELAxEd Teacher Study will be used to design programs for teachers based on your needs.

    Target participants: primary and secondary teachers in NSW. How to participate: complete a 15-20 minute online survey: you will be directed to the survey by submitting your details.

    In appreciation of your help, we will enter you into a draw to receive 1 of 20 x $100 VISA gift cards. Survey closes 13th August 2021.

    This study is voluntary, you may opt out of the survey at any time, prior to the completion of the survey, with no consequence. For more information, please read the survey landing page.

    This study is made possible by the generosity of the Teachers Health Foundation and collaboration with the Professional Teachers’ Council NSW.

  • Please enter your email address - once you click submit you will be directed to the RELAxED Teacher Study