Presented by Dr R. David Lankes, Professor and Director of the University of South Carolina’s School of Information Science.
During the coronavirus pandemic many people used the phrase “a new normal”, mostly in wondering what life and work would be like after the lock downs. This is almost always presented in a negative frame, as in what we will lose. No handshakes. Sustained social distancing measures. Libraries will have to deliver fewer physical services. There will be a greater divide between the haves and have nots.
But what if we flipped that perspective. What do we want the new normal to be? What if the new normal was better than the “old” normal. What if virtual and physical services better reflected the community and improved learning, and we could clearly demonstrate the impacts of these changes? What if national and international copyright laws were more responsive to the needs of communities in times of crisis? What if libraries were centres not only of learning, but well-being – providing support for students, teachers, and parents alike?
In this session, David Lankes will encourage participants to think about an agenda for libraries – of all types – to create an improved “New Normal” – the session will be a 1 hour presentation, followed by a 1 hour workshop, where participants will actively engage with the content of the presentation.
During the course, participants will respond online through polls and surveys. Participants will also be required to respond to a survey and evaluation at the conclusion of the session.
Karen Powers - Secretary