ACCE2018 – Four Day Conference from Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 October 2018

Attending ACCE2018 affords opportunities for education researchers and preservice educators to connect with F-12 educators and leaders as well as industry partners who share an interest in the use of digital technologies in supporting learning and teaching.

We have a broad focus across areas such as the Australian Curriculum, Technology Enhanced Learning, STEM Education and Teacher Education.

The conference organisers have chosen the theme ImpaCT to underpin the Australian Council for Computers in Education 2018 conference. The theme acknowledges the most important effect on student outcomes – the impact of the educator.

While the hype associated with technology in education has emphasised ways in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are ‘revolutionising’ the classroom, as educators and researchers we know that it is the teacher who has the greatest capacity to impact student learning outcomes.

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