The SCA is pleased to announce a range of registered (1 hour)  PL sessions (via ZOOM) during Term 4, 2020,  related to different country studies within the HSC CORE.

Country studies on offer include Japan, Rwanda, China, Afghanistan, Timor Leste, India and Vietnam, as well as a session about examination questions related to the CORE country study.

Participants will be allocated into a ‘breakout’ room based on their chosen country study (can only attend one country study session per week) – Teachers are not limited to the amount of sessions they attend across Term 4.

Sessions will be recorded and available within the member’s section of our website at the beginning of Term 1, 2021. “Live” sessions are available to all teachers of Society and Culture (limit of 60 participants per session)

Sessions are for 60 min, with a 15 min evaluation and reflection at the end of the session (excluding Week 10 – Unpacking the Country study in the exam, which will have 15 min Q&A)

Participants will need to complete the evaluation to attain 1 hour of registered PL. Part of the evaluation process includes uploading a link to a contemporary article, video or website related to your country study with an identification of relevant syllabus dot-points and concepts. These links will then be distributed to all participants.

Registrations for each session will close the evening prior to the registered session.

Click here to register your interest in these sessions.

Looking forward to seeing you online!

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